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Biden Drops, Trump Is Scared – He Went From a Very Possible Win…to Losing…In a Moment

There was definitely a long moment of despair looking at these two candidates and wondering why we were stuck with them…. why can’t we have someone fresh and new?

Then, the inevitable happened that so many wanted and foreseen should take place…. Biden declared he is dropping out of the candidacy race as a Democrat that would be fulfilling a second term.

Instead, he has opened the door for others to step up. A huge sigh of relief for independents and Democratic voters who were feeling like Trump was really shining, regardless of whether they liked him or not.

Frankly, We Didn’t Want Either, Now There’s An Open Spot For a New Opportunity – from 2024 rally, Independant Voter

Almost immediately after his withdrawal, he endorsed Kamala Harris, his running Vice President.

This actually didn’t give voters much of a relief as some even stated that her reign as VP has been ghostly, barely hearing from her and frankly wasting a major opportunity to set herself up for a positive shift.

I think this is the first time I’ve actually heard her speak since getting the VP role – rally attendee, Democratic Voter

But, what lies ahead is a chance to reclaim a sense of hope.

The Energy Shift

There’s a stalemate of energy happening right now. Worry has set in on both sides.

Many American’s wonder what is going on and what comes next in this scenerio.

Democrats find a worrisome in the race for time and worry if anyone can step into this so late in the game to pull the needed support to win the presidency.

Republicans wonder if instead of Biden, who they felt Trump would clearly win against, there may be someone stepping in that could possibly take that win away.

But, it’s possible for a new leader to really make an amazing entrance, rise up, make a wave, throw down a fistful of much needed positive energizing antidotes to bring both sides back into a less combative state of mind.

This is truly a HERO’s MOMENT in the shadows ready to emerge.

Will they though?

Will there be some hidden hero that stands up and makes everyone’s heads turn in awe?

While we may not be out of this slump quite yet, and it may be a few more terms before we see any peace and solidarity come across the United States, it is something exciting laying before us.

Biden Drops, Now What?

Because we are past the primaries, there are actually two options at this point for a new Democratic candidate.

Option 1: The delegates will make a virtual vote to choose the new Democrat nominee

Option 2: An “open” convention, a scenario the party hasn’t experienced since 1968

With the second option, there is a “mini-primary” where candidates arrive to state their beliefs and ideals in an attempt to persuade delegates to choose them. The delegates will then choose a new nominee, which may be decided at the open convention in August.

What are your thoughts of this development?




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